1996-2021 Energy Team celebrates 25 years of success

Energy Team celebrates 25 years of success

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25 years since its founding, Energy Team celebrates this important milestone looking back at its origins. The company was founded on the intuition of seven friends looking for efficiency and innovative energy solutions for a market with strong growth. They recognised that resources are not unlimited and whilst it is important to produce energy in a more intelligent way, even more fundamental is to avoid wasting it.

Over these 25 years, the founders of Energy Team have always been inspired by the knowledge that they can make a difference, helping Italian production businesses to become more sustainable.

Starting out with energy-monitoring tools, Energy Team now offers a wide range of consulting services for energy efficiency and has recently launched CloE, the latest-generation software platform released in 2020. This enables an even more advanced approach to gathering data and analysing possible monitoring actions, benefiting its current 1,600 users, 7,000 sites monitored, 16,000 devices monitored and 70,000 measurements taken.

We have always been led by the market when developing our range. We currently have over 15,000 sites monitored, more than 600 energy audits carried out, over 60% of the interruptibility market managed by Energy Team and 416 million kWh of electricity saved by our customers” explains Luigi Galli, one of the founders and current CEO of Energy Team.

Today, digitalisation and sustainability are key themes guiding international politics. We meet the needs of our customers with products for edge computing and various innovative services, from calculation of carbon footprints to flexibility management, peak-shaving services, storage-systems consulting and capacity management”, concludes the Energy Team CEO.

Starting out with just a few elements, operating out of a garage, Energy Team now has more than 100 personnel, working from a three-storey site in Trezzano sul Naviglio (south-west of Milan), and a turnover that exceeded € 15 million in 2019. In 2018, Falck Renewables recognised the company’s value and purchased a 51% stake, bringing new expertise and its extensive experience in renewables.

The energy transition underway requires companies to have a new level of awareness regarding better use of resources. Those choosing to invest in sustainability have understood that the benefits not only meet regulatory requirements but enhance reputation and improve customer relations

We believe that the Falck Renewables – Next Solutions division that Energy Team is part of, is destined to see more and more partnerships with industrial and tertiary-sector companies that want to gain this type of awareness.” confirms Chairperson of Energy Team, Marco Cittadini