Edge computing is a distributed computing model, a decentralised IT architecture, with processing of data taking place as close as possible to the point of collection, often the device itself or the local computer, avoiding transmission to a data centre.
This is opposed to the centralised approach of cloud computing.
Edge computing offers users fast and reliable services and provides companies with greater resilience, a cost saving and positive impact in terms of the company’s sustainability. Maintaining local processing power, peripheral sites can continue to operate independently from central ones, also in the event of the latter being unavailable.
Meanwhile, keeping data processing in the vicinity of the data source helps to lower the costs linked to bandwidth for transmission of data to and from a central site.
Energy Team monitoring tools have always offered edge-computing solutions enabling users to ensure the availability of their data through local connections (GSM, GPRS and Lan). The communications platforms connecting the network of tools and software installed locally enable precise and reliable on-demand analysis and archiving of energy data.