Today more and more companies need to keep their energy consumption and CO2 emissions under control, not only to obtain economic savings, but also to meet stringent standards of environmental and economic sustainability. Added to these are the demands of an increasingly aware and attentive public to environmental aspects.
Thanks to the carbon footprint assessment, greenhouse gas emissions are measured and the areas where it is possible to intervene to reduce and/or offset them are identified, thus actively participating in the energy and ecological transition.
What is the carbon footprint?
The carbon footprint is an environmental indicator that quantifies the impact of an organization or product in terms of greenhouse gases (GHG – GreenHouse Gases) emitted directly or indirectly.
Measure the carbon footprint of your organisation or product

Organization Carbon Footprint
For a company, being aware of their “carbon footprint” is essential to start an improvement process with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, obtaining energy savings and a greener image towards all stakeholders.
The Organisational carbon footprint service starts with the analysis of company activities, production of primary energy vectors and estimated emissions for the entire value chain of the structure, in order to quantify greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions. This increases awareness of the environmental impact of your company and is essential in order to identify solutions, beginning with monitoring and reduction of energy consumption.

Product Carbon Footprint
The Carbon Footprint of a product quantifies greenhouse gas emissions along its entire life cycle, from the extraction of raw material to its disposal. The smaller this footprint is, the greater the sustainability of the company and the green image it projects towards partners and end consumers.
The Product Carbon Footprint enables the company to precisely identify the greenhouse-gas emissions generated by the products that it produces and distributes, whilst also acquiring data and tools useful to monitor improvement in the company’s environmental performance, setting itself apart from competitors.
Save and communicate your green image
thanks to Energy Team
The product carbon footprint service involves four phases:
- Analysis: identification of the product carbon footprint and the parts of the life cycle with the greatest impacts
- Mitigation: selection of possible measures to reduce product emissions in order to minimize their environmental impact
- Offsetting: measures to neutralise the carbon footprint
- Public disclosure of the results of analysis through marketing strategies and targeted communications