Load Shifting: riduci l’impatto in bolletta durante le Ore Capacity

Load Shifting: riduci l’impatto in bolletta durante le Ore Capacity

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Capacity market: how to modify production times to limit costs

From 2022, a new item will appear on the bill in addition to the current charges. This item will guarantee coverage of spending to finance a new project for energy producers, called the Capacity Market (MdC).

load shifting

Make sure you are prepared, find out the impact on your bill during the Capacity Hours and start defining strategies to reduce energy spending straight away.



extra costs during Capacity Hours



extra costs during standard hours

What are Capacity Hours?

They are the 500 hours during the year that Terna considers most critical for grid balancing. They are announced by Terna by 30 November the previous year and an increased charge is applied during these hours, of approximately € 40/MWh.